Using Generative API for Better Data Quality in Databases and Files
AI-Powered Data Quality

How Usable Are Your Data Assets?

Here are some typical examples of trouble-causing, inconsistent, and possibly redundant data. Our products, tools, and APIs use our specialized AI models to make these issues easy to identify and solve within your own datasets, in either your own data files or within your database tables:

Examples of Inconsistent Data

Average cost per organization due to poor data quality

$15 million

Annual cost to US economy alone from poor data quality

$3 trillion

Data elements analyzed to build our specialized AI models


Number of pre-integrated file types and database platforms


Use AI-Powered APIs and Tools to Identify Inconsistent and Duplicate Name Data

Our "SmartMatchAI" technology at the core of our products makes use of specialized Generative-AI models, Machine Learning, high-performance algorithms, and comprehensive knowledge bases. This enables the discovery, matching, and resolution of inconsistencies in company names, organization names, and individual names within your critical data assets. You can quickly improve the usability and value of your important data using Interzoid's APIs and Connected data products, all powered with cutting-edge AI. Sign up for an API license key, required for both API products and visual user-interface products, and get immediate free trial access.

No Coding Experience? No Problem. Check out our Integrated Visual Application

You don't have to be a developer to use Interzoid. In addition to our APIs you can also analyze your data for data quality issues in seconds using our Cloud-connected database/dataset user interface-based application. Now, running analytics, campaigns, AI models, business processes, or other data-driven activities on top of faulty data can be a thing of the past.


Company & Individual Name Matching

Easily integrate our data matching API Products. Utilize Generative AI-enhanced algorithms for consistent, higher quality data content.

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Connected Database Products

Use our pre-integrated data matching APIs within a Web application for use with the top SQL Database Platforms and file types for better, more valuable data assets.

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Multiple Matching APIs identify, match, and correct inconsistent and redundant data, so you can be certain you are working with the best possible data, and not worried about data accuracy and trustworthiness. These are the same APIs we use in our Cloud Data Connect product.

Try our Easy-to-Use Cloud Data Connect Wizard:

Free-tier available! In just a few easy clicks you can connect to Cloud databases, CSV/TSV text files, Parquet files, and Excel spreadsheets - all in the Cloud or using local files. Run match reports, identify inconsistent/non-normalized data, find redundant data, append similarity keys, create new tables with similarity keys for matching across tables, and more.

Example: Identify Matching Company Names Caused By Inconsistent Data

Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate analytics, ineffective AI models, embarrassing customer communication, operational problems, missed opportunities, and bad decision-making.


Sample data sources:

AWS RDS, Azure SQL, Google SQL, Snowflake, Databricks, Postgres, MySQL, CSV, TSV, Parquet, Microsoft Excel, etc.


Identify inconsistent and redundant match clusters.

What happens, all automatically:

• Connects to database table (or loads file).
• Calls Interzoid API for each data record.
• Analyzes retrieved data using AI model and specialized algorithms.
• Generates "Match Report" showing likely duplicate/redundant records in selected format.

The analysis makes use of pre-built AI models out of the box for performance, with customized models available as well (ask us).

Identify Duplicate Records in a Database

Other automated analysis options:

• Generation of inconsistent data/anomaly reports.
• Appending of similarity keys to for incorporating additional business rules.
• Appending of similarity keys to match across files/tables.
• Different output formats such as text, JSON, SQL, etc.
• Launch via API call

Learn more...

Connect and Identify Data Issues within Cloud Database Platforms

Runs entirely from the browser - only API transactions are charged


• Analyzes database tables or flat/text files.
• No coding required (APIs available if desired).
• Accesses data via the Cloud (noting to install).
• Leverages our Generative AI-powered API library and AI models to identify inconsistency and match data, either within or across tables and data files.
• Produces data quality reports, inconsistency reports, and other data anomaly reports.
• Runs either in our Cloud infrastructure or within yours.
• Optionally writes results back to source data stores/database tables.
• Run from the browser or via an API call for programmatic or scheduled processing.

Automate API Integration to Cloud Databases

Match Scoring of Similarity using SmartMatchAI

While similarity keys are for identifying matches within and across datasets at lightning speed, similarity between two entities can also be scored on a scale of 1-99 using our AI-powered algorithms and specialized language model. A higher number indicates a closer match. For example, individual name similarity can be scored as follows:

Match Comparison Score for Individual Names

As can similarity between organization/company names:

Match Comparison Score for Organization and Company Names

Now Also Available as an AWS EC2 Machine Image

You can now deploy Interzoid's entire AI-Powered Data Matching system as an AWS EC2 Instance, enabling maximum performance, total flexibility, and unlimited access while achieving higher levels of data quality and data usability in your important data. Within minutes of launching you can analyze, process, and generate data matching and anomaly reports (and much more) for your databases and datasets. Access local, network, or Cloud databases and files directly from the instance in your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) within your AWS account. Connects to AWS RDS/Aurora, Azure SQL, Snowflake, Google SQL, Databricks, MySQL, Postgres, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more...

Register for an API key with free trial credits

All content (c) 2018-2023 Interzoid Incorporated. Questions? Contact

201 Spear Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94105-6164

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